elyza stays behind the counter and takes phonecalls from tania wanting to hook lauren up. [no so here is how the elyza/tania convo went ish:
t: so elisah that larin girl you like her, yais? you think she's straight?
e: uh, are you asking if she'll be good here or are you asking about her sexuality? tania, really? you're asking about her sexuality??????
t: well yeah i tink i found a boy for her to date. im really on a matchmaking fit--kick, whatever. its really not so good for me to hook up potentil emplois is eet? i just think justin, you know justin the webmaster look on yberdogs site hes there and really cute. i just really think thed be good together. am i ben inpropriate?
e: tania he is NOT cute. also yes kind of over stepping the boundries, however why havent you tried to set me up with someone? thanks, thanks!
t: I WILL!! i just caint tell whoz you know swingin de same wai you do...
okay and it continued on and on and mhmm basically a glorious conversation. so much so i felt the need to relay it at 8 am. ps this is the same day tania called me a dykey dyke. best boss ever. gimmie muh money.]
always odd.
but always ready.
and lauren does that.
sometimes the interviews are fun.
and sometimes not so much.
you never know what you're gonna get. [one girl with weird mouth thing. another with eyes that look like foreskin eyelids.]
king cobra tonight.
for shots and poo.