I'm sitting here thinking about that lil original page in the miley cyrus spiral bound notepad that started this whole blog & certain things i post make me feel like i am moving in the wrong direction.
the college ruled perforated page covered in new ideas and fresh aspirations (sadly not written in gel pens but a mere blue bic smooth rolling ballpoint) was our meal ticket out of monotonous dead end jobs and into FAME & WEALTH. rollin in the cash money skrillz, cruisin da strip in our rolls, 4 bitches on each arm, platinum grillz, draped in channel, gucci, versace from neimans, barneys and saks, numba one buyers at fred segal on melrose, 6 houses in da hillz, four 12Xplatinum records, bigger than brittney bitches!
and now look still just sitting at c-d posting morphed pictures that are heinous. how is that supposed to get us where we aimin? have i just stopped persuing the dream and given up? F**K NO! i juss gotta git my perspective back.
back to that fateful day where we decided to be the best
where we wrote no stupid girls, no creep-os, move to la
i have to get back to those days where the passion was seeping out through my pores and other various orifices.
so long ago.
one month changes people infinitely.